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Cleaner Magalys Peña Corona

I arrived at the El Cuartelón pharmacy in this city of Las Tunas and its workers told me, emphatically, that I could not leave without meeting Magalys Peña Corona.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Many have called her a "woman orchestra", because she does everything, without getting tired. The good-natured smile that cannot hide even the mask and the restless look of the one who has the world in her favor, confirmed it to me as soon as I had her in front of me.

I had already been told that she has been the person in charge of cleaning the premises for six years. But she also dispatches, does courier services and attends to whatever is necessary for the work to be efficient.

"We are going to win the battle against the pandemic, because this is a country that has won everything so that the people are well. And I know that this time it's going to be like that too.

And I don't contradict her, I still believe her. So I allow myself to provoke her a little bit and tell her that she is almost at the age when it is not advisable to leave home. Then she laughs at me before answering.

"Yes, I have some hypertension, but from time to time I hardly remember it. I'm a strong woman and I can still fight back. My two children, my grandchildren and even my great-grandson know this because the family has grown up. I'm useful here. I help with everything and I know how to deal with the public because before I came to the pharmacy I worked for 29 years in a small square. I must have seen things!

Her companions tell me how much she walks every day, sometimes long distances to take the medicine to the patients' door and how some of them already arrive asking only for it, with the certainty that this way everything will be better.

I listen to them and think about how many people like Magaly walk this country every day, far from the flashes of the cameras and the interviews for the press. Because of people like that, anonymous and diligent, Cuba has so many victories conquered and many more to come. The COVID-19 will certainly be one more.