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The use of gloves is another measure to avoid contagion

"Please, sir, don't get mad at me, but I'll only give your errands when you get your mask on."

Las Tunas, Cuba.- I heard this way of demanding an elementary health requirement to one of her consumers, in the face of the real threat of the COVID-19, from Maritza Galán, a saleswoman at La Constelación regular store.

"We must all cooperate and comply with the measures aimed at because otherwise we expose ourselves unnecessarily to contracting the coronavirus and we compromise people who are disciplined", she says while dispatching the basic basket for the month that begins. Any drop of nasal or oral fluid can complicate the picture.

Maritza not only does her job with the mask ("I change it more than once a day, we have to set an example"), but also with her hands covered with latex gloves. She says that this is another resource to avoid the possibility of contagion, since she looks after almost 600 family members, and everyone knows that!

"In this job, you have to be very responsible and maintain exquisite hygiene," says this woman, who has been working behind in this kind of stores for more than 16 years. "Every day, I have to hold many notebooks, coins, bills, notes, etc. And I also have to touch plastic bags, sacks, and boxes with them".

According to Maritza, the consumers give her the gloves. "They realized that by taking care of me, they take care of themselves. And so we all win.