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Las Tunas isolation center

The effective epidemiological surveillance along with other measures of the plan to prevent and control the new coronavirus allowed the diagnosis of the disease in a timely manner to a 38-year-old citizen, resident in Guayacán, municipality of Jesús Menéndez; who was in the Isolation Center for being a direct contact of a previously identified case.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Dr. Aldo Cortés González, deputy director of the Provincial Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology, explains to 26Digital that the patient was studied for her direct link with a 70-year-old Italian, positive to Covid-19, coming from the Lombardy region and arriving in the country on the same flight as the first three Italians diagnosed in Sancti Spíritus.

The European citizen, after the onset of symptoms, was immediately transferred to Holguín. His wife, being the closest to him, was isolated in the center designated for that purpose in the Las Tunas; while the rest of the people who established an approach are constantly supervised. Once she is positive for the disease, she is also taken to Holguín.

"Both cases were detected by our system and were duly isolated in the reference institutions until confirmation of the result. Those who had some kind of contact with them are admitted under surveillance and study.”

Currently, in this province, there are more than 230 people, from countries with the transmission of the new coronavirus, which are controlled by family doctors and nurses.

In the Los Caciques isolation center, some 30 patients remain as possible suspects. El Cerro de Caisimú also works for foreigners who have had a relationship with patients at any time, but do not show signs of COVID-19; if they appear, they are transferred to the established Holguin institution.

Cortés highlighted the professionalism of Health personnel and compliance with the provisions by the highest authorities of the territory, in addition to the responsible participation of the people. “We ratify that today there is no indigenous transmission of the disease and we urge the population to preserve tranquility and turn concern into action.

"You have to protect yourself, constantly wash your hands, do not touch your eyes or nose, avoid going to work or public places with respiratory symptoms and going to the doctor, as well as keeping a distance of more than a meter between people, even in queues, which is today one of the biggest vulnerabilities."

And he added: “We have advanced measures within the strategic plan, which eliminates a large part of the risk. Even so, we must take extreme care for the possible existence of asymptomatic people who could be carriers of the virus.”

Finally, he requested the confidence of the people of Las Tunas and assured that with the support of the entities, mass organizations and the people in general, a new victory will be achieved.