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The Director-General of Multilateral Affairs and International Law at the Cuban Foreign Ministry (MINREX) Rodolfo Benítez told the press that it was not just any protocol meeting

The G77+China Summit, which concludes on Saturday in Havana, was highly productive and a great success thanks to the great attendance and the high level of agreement, diplomatic sources detailed.

Havana, Cuba.- The Director-General of Multilateral Affairs and International Law at the Cuban Foreign Ministry (MINREX) Rodolfo Benítez told the press that it was not just any protocol meeting, but a Summit that calls for concrete actions.

He also praised the high level of consensus during the debates that allowed the adoption of a final declaration that urges to change the unjust international financial order that limits the development of the countries of the Global South.

He specified that a point was added to the text resulting from the Summit, sending solidarity to Morocco and Libya for the disasters in recent days that caused hundreds of deaths.

Likewise, Benitez said, participants adopted a separate declaration welcoming Mexico’s willingness to resume its participation in the activities of the G77+China.

The Cuban diplomat described the Havana meeting as strategic because the G77 came out stronger and in better conditions for the debates in international forums.

“We were able to agree upon positions at a key moment, just days before the 78th regular session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) begins in New York,” said Benítez.

Benitez stated the Summit was a productive event attended by 1300 participants from 116 countries; 31 of them were Heads of State and Government. Over 100 heads of delegations were registered in the list of speakers.

It has been an austere Summit, he said, without luxuries and organized with the minimum resources necessary due to the blockade imposed by the United States.

He also stressed that it was a transparent Summit, the speeches were live forecasts, a characteristic that is scarce in high-level events held in several countries.

He explained that the main concern was the effects of the multidimensional crisis at the world level, characterized by hunger, poverty, inflation, and natural disasters caused by climate change. (PL)