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Relato de un pueblo rotoRecently, Los Zahoríes Puppeteer Company premiered Story of a Broken Town, in its headquarters of the Raúl Gómez García Hall, under the artistic direction of the writer and actress Ana Rosa Díaz Naranjo (Albita), a work that has been on the billboard on the weekends of this month, at 10:00 am.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The staging comes to enrich the text of Cubans Maya Fernández and Raudel Morales, whose plot unfolds in a sea town. Human miseries such as selflessness and greed come to light, opening new cracks in the heart of the region, already marked by material poverty.

Albita, with her sensitivity and talent, designed and made the glove puppets starring the story, as well as the set design; she designed and edited the soundtrack and, as if that were not enough, she was involved in the production, together with Leonor Pérez Hinojosa and María de Jesús González Cruz, who also act. In the end, a pleasant product for the public was achieved.

However, among the most significant values of the piece is its axiological contribution, as it urges reflection on the true treasure: spiritual wealth. María Inés, the grandfather, Flan, Flin, Globetrotters and the narrator (Yemayá) are the characters of the play, they seduce under the magic of a small, but beautiful and colorful tableau.

María Inés, a white girl from a wealthy family, who intends to take her out of the country, and her friend Globetrotters, black and poor, but with a heart of diamonds, accentuate the nuances of that space between fiction and the reality in which Story... moves.

In this regard, the performing arts specialist Alberto Carlos Estrada Segura said: "... another moving aesthetic proposal by Los Zahoríes, which for its actions and its images seems like a lesson in civics, ethics ...”

“The work has had great acceptance. The day of the premiere the room was full and most of the attendees were children; it was something satisfying. We are calling on people to attend our headquarters to share this artistic fruit, which emphasizes values such as patriotism, the sense of belonging and the defense of identity. In addition, the actresses are excellent,” said Ana Rosa.

The young María de Jesús plays a girl whose first name is equal to her, in addition, gives life to the sailor Flin (captain of the ship) and the grandfather of Globetrotters. She states that the characters are very interesting.

“Our play talks about society and intrafamily parenting. For example, María Inés is a cheerful, energetic girl, but is influenced by her mother's teachings and this leads her to be more detached from feelings; unlike Globetrotters, who is in love with her. His grandfather is an old puppeteer who conveys good values,”said María.

For his part, Leonor said: “I play Globetrotters, sailor Flan and Yemayá, the latter through live performance.
What I like most about this experience is that it advocates for human values and the defense of the town where you live. The impact on the public is magical. I brought the children of my workshop, Puppet reading, which I attend through the Nicolás Guillén Foundation; and one of the small girls, told me: I would like María Inés to change. That gives you the right measure of how it conveys positive messages.”

This piece enriches the repertoire of the 48 years-old puppeteer troupe, which despite problems and shortages does not stop in the interest of working for the audience, especially for children.