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secundLas Tunas, Cuba.- The representation is made up of teachers of that educational level, Yuniorki Castro Mastrona, from the town of "Amancio"; Yesler Feria Mastrona, from Puerto Padre; Roilan Brooks Suárez, of the main municipality and Misleydi García Osorio, head of that teaching in the Provincial Directorate of Education.

García Osorio explained that in Las Tunas the 56 existing secondary schools held their workshops with the presentation of almost 900 presentations, which led to the exchange of experiences on topics such as professional orientation, inclusion and quality of education, methodological work, the training and improvement of teaching staff, among others. "Then we developed the municipal and provincial events, the latter with the participation of 93 teachers from the eight municipalities, who shared knowledge in order to strengthen the work."

The purpose of the event is to promote inclusive, equitable and quality education and sponsor learning opportunities for all. Among the topics to be discussed are Equitable, inclusive and quality education for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, Sustainable development and world citizenship, Culture of peace. In the same way, other issues were analyzed such as Good practices in the context of the projects of the network of schools associated with Unesco; the education of adolescents from a flexible, relevant and effective curriculum; as well as gender parity in Secondary Education, among others.

It will be a space in which researchers, specialists, leaders of international organizations and organizations can show their experiences. The presentations of the delegates from Las Tunas will focus on the conception of methodological work from the provincial structure to the school, the attention to autistic students in the Secondary School, the development of creativity in ninth-grade students from the Labor and Vocation Education course and the qualities of Sound: Physics teaching.

The role of educators in the knowledge society and the integral development of adolescents will be addressed. In addition, it will be a space oriented to the consolidation of good inclusive practices in any context, respect for cultural diversity and national identity, and in the formation of generations carrying human values. It is sponsored by important international organizations such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (Cosude), among other.

Each of the principal themes is made up of several thematic lines that will be discussed in symposia and forums and will be dealt with in pre-event courses, which will be taught by teachers and researchers of high professional level and experience. The scientific program includes visits to educational centers and scientific institutions in Havana.