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Day of fight against cancer being held in Cuba

More than five thousand inhabitants of Las Tunas live today with some type of malignant tumor; and every year about 300 thousand die from this cause, a more than justified reason to join the fight against this disease.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Dr. Ana Rosa Brizuela, head of the Program in this province, comments that the activities began with active investigations to detect skin cancer, which is the one with the highest incidence in the population. "The Day began on February 4, World Day against Cancer, and will continue until March 21, with education and prevention actions at different levels of care, and with the support of the media."

"We ask the population that during these two months of activism wears a pink bow to show support for all people who suffer from this pathology."

Advances in the field of Oncology show that many of the triggers of cancer can be avoided with healthy lifestyles. Sustained stress, bad habits, inadequate food, especially the consumption of food sprayed with chemicals, increase the risk of cell mutations and lead to this disease.

The specialist recommends a diet rich in fruits, cereals, legumes, vegetables and low in animal fat. It is necessary to avoid the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes; as well as to respect the non-smoker and perform physical activity. She also suggests protected sexual relations, since Human Papillomavirus has a great influence on the onset of cervical cancer.

Important also, the protection of sun rays, with the use of clear clothes, umbrellas and others, which prevents skin cancer. Precisely, this year's motto is "I am ... and I am going to ..." that should reflect on the need to change inappropriate lifestyles, to encourage self-care and self-responsibility for this condition.

“It means that if I am a person who drinks alcohol I will stop doing it to avoid a certain type of cancer; the same on any risk factor that the person will try to eliminate.”

Cancer is not synonymous with death, but it still means a global health problem. There are procedures to control it and prolong the existence, in some cases until healing. It depends to a large extent on the stage in which the tumor is diagnosed, because as popular wisdom says "in time you always save time".


- Lung cancer is the leading cause of death in Cuba for women and men, according to statistics from the Ministry of Public Health (Minsap).

- There are 42 medical Oncology services in all hospitals in the country; and two third-level institutions: the National Oncology Institute and the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital.

- There are 25 Nuclear Medicine services, nine of Radiotherapy and the same number of Oncopediatrics, as access routes to diagnosis and treatment.