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Dr. Luis Manuel Denis

First Degree Specialist in Hygiene and Epidemiology in Jobabo, Las Tunas; 56 years of age, 32 years of work; founder of the largest health care center in Jobabo as a general practitioner; first secretary of the Committee of the Union of Young Communists in the Health sector in the municipality… These are just some of the elements that distinguish an excellent professional: Luis Manuel Denis Reyes, with an extensive medical career.

"At the beginning of my career I was a medical assistant, but due to objective needs in 1991, I was proposed to direct the Municipal Unit of Hygiene and Epidemiology, and when I realized the wide field covered by this specialty I decided to study it, from 1994 to 1997. However, since 1991 I was already linked to it from the administrative point of view."

Despite the broad spectrum that Epidemiology covers, Luis Manuel is inclined towards two aspects: "Epidemic control and population studies are my favorite lines, I enjoy both field operations; although Demography is another of the disciplines I am passionate about."

His experience and wisdom have crossed borders, as a member of the Henry Reeve Brigade and epidemiologist. "I have served missions in several countries: I was in Guatemala; in Haiti, twice, one of them during the control of the cholera epidemic; and the Republic of Ecuador." All of these missions he fulfilled to the full.

"I continue to say that individual preparation and the will to improve oneself are very important. The day-to-day experience enriches your knowledge and this has to be reinforced in practice."

"In the current circumstances, a physician-epidemiologist has to be updated in almost all branches of knowledge, Social Sciences, Techniques, Mathematics, Philosophy and, of course, his specialty, including the chemical part of Medicine. I think that an epidemiologist who does not know chemical aspects will never be able to do his job satisfactorily," he added.

Having held management positions was very enriching. "It nourished me with many positive experiences, but also negative ones, I have to say. I always put my greatest will and effort into taking on tasks responsibly, doing well, and make an impact. At certain times you go through difficult situations when you lead a group of people and seek to achieve a goal. With time you gain experience and improve your methods; however, there may come a time when, due to certain circumstances, you need to take a break. That is what happened to me. I decided to leave management, but I never retired from the activity."

This professional is playing an important role in the battle against Covid-19. "It is a new disease that still has a lot to be discovered, studied, and researched, it surprised the whole world. It has been hard, because we have had to go through many transits, from the acquisition of new knowledge to its application in daily practice for prevention and control. We have had to live through heartbreaking experiences of sacrifice in patient's care, and on the negative side, there has also been the indiscipline of the population. The positive experiences have mainly come from the recognition of the work one does.

"We have a lot to give to control today's epidemiological situation and that is where our efforts and dedication are directed," he explained.

His family has supported him throughout his training; they instilled values, principles, which he has maintained throughout his life. "I have tried to do well what has touched me, and in that, I have had the example of my family who, despite being humble, were always hard workers. I have had the support of my wife and my children; luckily they had a different background from mine. At all times they have encouraged me to go ahead with my work, I can't complain."

This epidemiologist still has goals, dreams, and yearnings to fulfill: "We need to control this disease so that Cuban society can continue its development and its course, mainly at the local level. When we achieve this, I will focus on other activities such as teaching, professional and scientific development, finishing the exercises to be promoted to the category of specialist...; I will dedicate myself calmly to these tasks and help in whatever I am asked to do."

He has devoted many years to Jobabo, and although he was not born here, he feels he is a son of this land. "I have dedicated almost all my professional life to public health in this municipality. I have had successes and failures, but from the professional point of view I feel fulfilled, I consider that I have achieved the proposed objectives and I would like to continue moving up in their fulfillment. So, when I retire, I will do so with the clear conscience that I did my best to improve my work and the specialty."

Luis Manuel has received the Order of the Rising Sun, the Manuel (Piti) Fajardo Medal, and the Second Degree Internationalist Medal. It could not be less given his impeccable dedication to the work he has had to live, in support of the people and, above all, the Revolution.