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Antonio Guiteras sugar mill, in Delicias, Puerto Padre

The current times leave no room for "lukewarm clothes", the crisis in which the national economy is submerged finds an end with greater effectiveness from the industries. The Antonio Guiteras sugar company, in the community of Delicias, Puerto Padre, explores horizons beyond the traditional sugar harvest with its sights set on greening numbers.

Puerto Padre, Las Tunas.- The "Colossus" of the sweetest land in the north of Las Tunas started up the machinery ahead of schedule to obtain honeydew, which, processed in the derivatives plant, means another source of income to somewhat weak coffers due to poor performance in previous calendars.

Axel Carlos Peña Verde, the company's administrator,"In our sector, the so-called honeydew harvest has started. It is a new experience, but so far it is going well, with results in line with expectations. Alcohol is produced and, with it, brandy for sale at differentiated prices and to contribute to the factory's income," Axel Carlos Peña Verde, the company's administrator, told 26.

Faced with the challenge, workers and managers join forces to preserve quality in the various stages. When the good work is constant, the achievements fall by their own weight.

"So far, with the milling done, we have obtained 1,148 tons of honeydew, which is equivalent to 1,200 hectoliters of alcohol, and 3,335 tons of firewater.

The obstacles cannot be lacking, although they have been small inconveniences, carelessness can lead to greater regrets soon, such as the start of the winter harvest on December 10. Hence the special attention to the activity of the veteran of a thousand battles.

"We have had problems with the water pumps to feed the boilers, in addition to the underground bagasse conductor, which is a new investment; therefore, some deficiencies have been corrected. These are normal obstacles in the start-up of the mill, but they can be solved in the course of the processes", said Peña Verde.

Likewise, the neglect of the fields leads to low raw material attributes. The 21 percent of foreign elements, according to data offered in the laboratories, dictate the bad care of the grass in a period outside the manufacturing tasks.

The "rain" of soot arouses the interest of the locals because it takes place on alternate dates, in a place accustomed to the gray and white panorama coming from the chimneys.

"The storage capacity of the distillery is not prepared with enough volume for the deposit, so, with one day of production we provide the necessary amount for two working days, which is why we divide the work in 24 hours."

The first steps of an idea that came to stay, the dividends support such a decision, but at the same time, it breaks the inertia concerning the fundamental commitments, to turn sugarcane into sugar.