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Working meeting that reviewed the major deficiencies in the past year.

The search for alternatives for a better provision of services and attention to the population, as well as the agility in the resolution of each request for procedures, are among the actions that the workers of the Provincial Directorate of Justice of Las Tunas intend to strengthen in 2023.

A representation of notaries and registrars from the eight municipalities attended the working meeting that reviewed the major deficiencies in the past year. Pilar Alicia Varona Estrada, Vice Minister of Justice, and Olga Lidia Pérez Díaz, General Director of Notaries and Public Registries chaired the meeting.
The province has 12 registry offices, and even though 21 notaries carried out the notarial activity in 2022, the reduced payroll had an impact on the stability of the service. During these difficulties, 7,839 applications were resolved, which shows the desire of those who are there to work well.

The era of computerization has arrived for everyone, and the legal field is no exception. In this sense, the Vice Minister of Justice explained "one of our goals is to guarantee digital signatures, which many notaries already have. We have managed to incorporate the electronic seal, and the electronic payment, and that is a considerable advance, we still need to support the documents that must be effective outside the country."

The most worrying bottleneck in terms of paperwork requests is in the main municipality, where more than 200 people are received daily since the beginning of 2023. To counteract this situation, the delivery of appointments was implemented.

"Our goal is to avoid the sale of shifts, citizens sleeping in the parks. Some refuse this idea, and they are the ones who benefit from the disorder. We are already making people understand that this is the best way to handle this reality because there were days when we could not even open the door due to the great flow of users", referred Pedro Gómez Velázquez, director of Justice in the capital city."

"In the case of the Civil Registry, we were authorized to open other registry offices to reduce the concentration of the public, which alleviates this situation. In the notary's office we are affected by the waiting for tests to hire new notaries because here the deficit is large and affects the prompt response," he added.

Among the difficulties detected by the legal authorities during their stay in the province is the failure to send testamentary acts to the Registry of Last Will and Testamentary Acts of the country, from where, according to Olga Lidia Perez Diaz, they respond quickly because they are aware that people are facing an extremely painful process.

One of the singularities of 2022 was the energy contingency, in this sense, the location of the Provincial Directorate in a different circuit than that of the municipal directorates delayed some procedures. To give a prompt response, it was necessary to deliver handmade models, an alternative that is valid and allowed in all Cuban embassies, which meant that many of the applicants had their documentation in the established time.