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The Housing Program has debts in Las Tunas

The attention of the authorities of the territory to the housing program is a task that is not left aside, even in the midst of the complex situation that the country is experiencing in terms of the shortage of fuel and other resources.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The scarce entry of cement to the territory has not stopped the advance in terms of constructive works of the state plan, thanks to the extender of the P350 that is elaborated in the Maintenance and Construction Company (EMAC in Spanish) Las Tunas.

The director of this entity, engineer Pablo Enrique Paneque Almaguer, explained in a work meeting that at the end of September, they had completed the plan for the year in the municipalities of Manatí, Jesús Menéndez, Jobabo, and Colombia, with Majibacoa, Puerto Padre and the provincial capital still pending.

The Housing Program has debts in Las Tunas"With a little more than 30 days to go before the end of the year in terms of construction work, we are facing a major shortage of cement, which is the main material used in our sector. We are also affected by the lack of steel and wood for doors and windows."

Héctor Rodríguez Espinosa, provincial director of Housing, told those present that "During the past month, 46 houses were finished out of the 82 that were planned; this is due to the great tension that we are experiencing during this period, and that is that for the third time crude oil did not enter the province, added to the absence of electrical cables and the need for support from some of the municipal governments."

"By October we hope to finish 39 houses, adding the remaining 23 from September, because according to indications from our national directorates, we must allocate cement, that with the help of the extender, we can reach to solve this pothole we had."

As for the Construction Company (ConAlza in Spanish) in Las Tunas, its director Maikel Cruz Ramírez explained that they have planned 7 dwellings for October and 11 more for the rest of the year.

There is no doubt that the impact on this important sector, during the current stage of the nation's development, is strong. The need for housing is growing every day, and the limitations and criticisms coming from all sides make the construction companies of Las Tunas, strive not to paralyze the delivery of materials to subsidies and construction by their efforts, in addition to complying with state plans.