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ONAT Las Tunas offers training for state and private payers

There is a training plan in place at the National Tax Administration Office (ONAT by its acronym in Spanish) in Las Tunas, for both state and private sector workers, which assists in a more enlightening and less technical manner, in addition to having a team prepared to carry out tax audits of natural and legal persons.

ONAT Las Tunas implements a training program.Las Tunas, Cuba.- These checks look for possible gaps in the tax administration and aim to ensure that the taxpayer contributes what is established. "In the case of some state entities, errors are detected due to the lack of knowledge and preparation of the accounting groups. This serves as feedback to our auditors, and they also seek the space to guide this staff," said Julio Francisco Quiñones Guerrero, director of the ONAT.

Natural persons must know the importance of these contributions to the state budget, although according to Quiñones Guerrero, the greatest indiscipline lies with non-state workers.

"This time spent by our staff throughout the country is helping them to understand their obligations, duties, and rights; even though they are looking for ways to comply with all the established rules, there is still no tax culture among the population in the country.

"While it is true that many of them have their papers in order, another group does not know about the new legislation or the changes that have arisen in recent times," concluded the ONAT director.