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The ACTAF is involved in different development actions in Las Tunas

The result achieved by the Cuban Association of Agricultural and Forestry Technicians (ACTAF) related to the achievement of sustainable development on agroecological bases is recognized today when the organization celebrates its more than three decades of existence.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The commitment of these workers greatly influences the agrarian results that are being pondered today. Hundreds of agricultural and forestry technicians support the work of the agricultural sector, which with the incorporation of knowledge, commits to continue producing for the people even under the conditions of the difficult epidemiological situation caused by the COVID-19, which is exacerbated in these times by the strict economic blockade and a climate that does not benefit the territory of Las Tunas.

Yoandry Ávila, president of Las Tunas' ACTAF branchThe Las Tunas branch, with a reduced number of specialists, strengthens the accompaniment of the business and state structures of the agricultural sector, as well as the support to the more than 1,200 affiliates who require technical advice, socialization of good agroecological practices, or demand for scientific literature, to increase food production as a guarantee for the people. Sometimes at a distance, others in small encounters that favor observing the reality in the communities where agricultural work is carried out.

As reported to 26 by the M.S. Yoandry Ávila Igarza, provincial president of the ACTAF, "the role that the association has developed all these years in providing solutions leading to the development of sustainable agriculture on agroecological bases, and with equity, is vital to the progress of the nation on a sustainable future, so the participation of women and men who work in the sector is the association’s best available resource.

The ACTAF here, which did not stop work despite the difficult year, was involved in different development actions."Mainly what have to do with training on the plant nutrition strategy, the contextualization of knowledge about the soil and its characteristics; in addition to the phytosanitary strategy that is very important for agriculture in the face of the scarcity of inputs.

"Continuing to expand the work with its members is the main challenge," Yoandry says. "In these times it is necessary to go back to what has been done and what is missing, thus we have links with the University, the Delegation of Agriculture and other active entities, vital to be able to support the substantive processes in the search for the so necessary food sovereignty."