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Mercazona app

The online platform for buying and home delivery Mercazona reappeared this Friday with new options and focused on other private ventures in this eastern Cuban province. 

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Launched last March as a tool to purchase agricultural products from mobile phones offered in an establishment in the non-state sector of this eastern Cuban city, Mercazona now returns focused on other suppliers.

At the start of its version 1.0, it is back linked to the Rikichoco candy store, which already resumed services along with the Ksalta and Tu Chef restaurants, explained Carlos Zayas, responsible for design and marketing within a group of developers, which includes university students and local self-employed. "Week after week others will continue to join us," he assured.

Always under the auspices of the Cuban Union of Computer Scientists (UIC, in Spanish) here, this platform allows its clients to not only see the available products but also appreciate them according to their category and then choose. "It has been redesigned so that they can now find the products easier and with more accurate results," said Erik González Ávila in charge of marketing and advertising.

The updated version can now be downloaded from the official Mercazona website without this giving interested parties discount on international browsing data. "The client can also download it from the Play Store and from Apklis, in these last two cases, the download is free. Subsequent updates will be released every two weeks or once a month, "said Carlos Zayas.

Thinking of a possible expansion beyond the limits of the municipality of Las Tunas, in Mercazona 1.0, users are shown the suppliers according to the delivery address previously declared, and those are who set the prices of the home offers.

Another novel aspect, said González Ávila, is that it will be possible to indicate explanatory notes that help to find the shipping address more quickly and to refer or not an alternative recipient if the initial buyer is not at home at the time of receiving the product.

As a way of maintaining constant feedback on the quality of their services, they also add the possibility of evaluating the performance of the courier. “The application now gives you the possibility to also assess the quality of the product. And so we know then whether the supplier is having a good rating, that is, a good acceptance," said Erik González.

Mercazona had the first presentation last January during a technology fair held here on the occasion of the second Government visit and after its appearance, it had wide acceptance among consumers in the city of Las Tunas.