

You look at yourself in the mirror, arrange your hair and check your uniform. Your backpack is ready, you've already grabbed the money and the knob with water. You kiss your mother at the door on your way out and leave for school. Nothing out of the ordinary happens on the way. You greet the neighbor across the street, the same one who watched your father grow up 40 years ago; and Mrs. Maira, with her hair getting whiter and whiter. But there, on the corner where you turn every day, there is a group of older young people, so you'd better go the other way.

Down the avenue, it's business as usual. The carriage driver loaded with people doesn't take his eyes off you, even though you try to pretend not to notice him, looking interested in the cracks in the ground and hugging tighter the coat without which you are not able to leave the house no matter how hot it is.

Further on, two men interrupt the conversation to undisguisedly stand in front of your blue uniform. If you're lucky, they won't say anything. Or they'll throw out the daily question, "Girl, do you have a boyfriend?"; or a seemingly simple "See you later, precious," to which you don't know whether to say "thank you" and wonder as you walk away whether you were impolite, and try to ignore the discomfort in your stomach.

The man on the motorcycle honks his horn and you startle as he nonchalantly shouts something about how pretty you are and if you want a ride. The driver in the cab of the truck wants to catch your gaze, but you pretend to be very busy on the road when in reality all you can think about is the desire to disappear, to make yourself small, to go unnoticed, invisible.

At the bus stop, the men in the bicycle cabs offer you a ride while they tell you "how pretty you are, girl!" And they chase you for a few meters because "No" seemed insufficient to them.

You get to your classroom and there is something in the air. You're the last to know: that teacher who teaches them got a student pregnant. It's time to leave, it's your turn to clean up, but you sweep and he just holds the basket while he watches you without disguise, making you feel uncomfortable.

You get out of school and get on a bus, and stress and exhaustion take their toll. The "push and pull" of bodies that inevitably rub against each other inside a transport at maximum capacity makes you question if it is normal for the stranger next to you to constantly rub his private parts? "Should I say something or are these just my ideas? Why is he moving if the bus is stopped?", you ask yourself.

You're going back home, it's already getting dark. Your mother wants you to go with her to buy bread. In the queue and among the crowd of people, an older man, without taking his eyes off you, keeps approaching you. You know he's making strange movements, but you don't dare to check. Your mother next to you asks you to get out of there for no apparent reason, but deep down, you both know what's going on?

It's a normal day in the life of a teenager. For most, it would pass as common, with nothing wrong, but from the perspective of women is the trigger for many insecurities, feeling attacked, helpless and naked.

It's not a silly compliment, it's not an innocent comment. It is a girl in full change knowing that in the eyes of others she is nothing more than a sex object. She doesn't need a stranger to talk in her ear, chase her, or tell her how cute she looks in that spandex.

No, we are not exaggerating, we are not paranoid or feminazi, it is a matter of understanding that your opinion about someone's physique is not a right that you enjoy as you please, it is a matter of understanding that it is not up to you to talk to her and even offend her because she turned a deaf ear to your unsolicited opinion. It is a matter of understanding that, as a woman, she decides who compliments her, who approaches her, and who talks to her. It's a matter of understanding that you, after all, don't respect her.

So let's stop making excuses and start seeing it for what it is: harassment.