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The zoo in the capital Damascus, the only one remaining in Syria, will undergo a rehabilitation processThe zoo in the capital Damascus, the only one remaining in Syria after 12 years of war, will undergo a rehabilitation process that will take into account international standards, officials reported here.

Damascus.- A private company was contracted to rehabilitate and develop the zoo over six months and at a cost equivalent to two million US dollars, Damascus City Governorate Parks Director Sumer Farfour revealed.

He explained that the current circumstances do not allow the Governorate to assume the maintenance expenses, and that is why an agreement was reached with the owners of previous zoos.

According to the executive, the investment will include a natural reserve, a restaurant, points of sale, and amusement parks, in addition to increasing the types and number of animals, since those currently in the zoo are old and do not reproduce.

He assured that the war reduced the number of animals and the park currently includes 19 lions, wolves, hyenas, bears, foxes, birds, turtles, and rabbits, among other animals.

Syria had several zoos before the war in 2011 that were mainly centered in the cities of Aleppo and Damascus, and all were destroyed except for the one in the capital that due to the proximity of the fighting suffered slight damage. (PL)