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Ron Desantis and Donald Trump are the main Republican candidates for 2024 elections

The authoritarianism of former President Donald Trump (2017-2021) and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the strongest Republican candidates so far for 2024, should alarm all Americans, an article in The Hill newspaper assures today.

Washington.- According to the story, both “compete to defend the most blatantly authoritarian and anti-democratic positions.”

While Trump continues to repeat the lies about his defeat in the 2020 election, which led to the violent attack on the Capitol; DeSantis “is eager to bring his forms of abuse of power to the White House,” the writing signed by Svante Myrick, president of People For the American Way, states.

“Outright lying is a tool of authoritarians, and so is demonizing vulnerable minorities,” the paper asserts.

Trump and Desantis’s authoritarianism should alarm all Americans

“We all remember that Trump launched his first campaign attacking immigrants and recently declared that he would begin a new administration with an executive order to eliminate birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants,” it explains.

In other words, he promises to nullify a constitutionally guaranteed right by dictatorial decree,” the analyst points out.

For his part, DeSantis and his Florida allies waged a war on the freedom to learn, purged elected officials who deviated from his ideological agenda, signed bills defaming LGBTQ people, and used the power of government to harass private businesses that do not conform to his efforts. (PL)