On Thursday, a resident in this eastern Cuban province was reported positive for the new coronavirus, although having foreigners as a source of infection did not affect the incidence rate of the COVID-19 in the territory, which in the last 15 days is of 0.56 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- According to the daily report of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), she is a 32-year-old citizen, a resident in the municipality of Amancio, around which 180 contacts are under surveillance. As Dr. Francisco Durán García, National Director of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the MINSAP, has explained repeatedly, this occurs because when a positive case is detected on a flight from abroad, it is automatically considered contacts who accompanied him on the flight and who could have had contact during the transfer to the isolation center. Dr. Durán García himself specified that this person, as has happened with the imported cases detected during the month of August, remained isolated in a center set up for this purpose in the country's capital.
With this, there are now five residents in Las Tunas reported as imported cases in recent weeks, of which only one is admitted to our province, as he arrived at an isolation center here before the Temporary Government Group made the decision that travelers arriving from abroad were isolated in Havana.