The funeral and obituary services of the province of Las Tunas continues in the midst of the Cuban fight against COVID-19, as it was stated by Grisel Alonso, director of the Provincial Company of Communal Services in this territory, through the local Radio.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- The expert pondered the efforts of her workers and stressed that the necessary containment barriers geared towards this pandemic situation are created in all the centers.
“For a remarkable time, funeral wreaths have been a problem, mainly in the city of Las Tunas. We have had to limit them in certain circumstances. Right now, after rehabilitation in the gardens that provide the flowers, that situation has changed.”
Likewise, she spoke of the repair to which two of the 13 active funeral cars here are subjected, which guarantees the stability of such an essential service.
“We are working on the improvement of the Las Tunas funeral system. Both in furnishing, whose work is undertaken by the Ludema Furniture base business unit, as well as in the conditions of the chapels, mainly its doors and the accessory where the wreaths are placed. We have bought a large group of sanitary furniture to replace the damaged ones. Some other works are also carried out.”
Alonso insisted that the personnel have the means of protection for the current circumstances; i.e. surgical gloves, boots, masks and others intended for those who keep working and exposed to the risk of getting the new coronavirus.