The free sale of cigars around the Enrique Casals Villarreal factory, a commercial alternative implemented by the grassroots business unit of the same name, has been very well received by the residents of this city.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- Its director, Arturo Camejo López, explained that this modality began last June 30 and, in only five days, more than 5,700 cigars were sold, which contributes to the economic recovery of the entity, and the satisfaction of consumers.
He added that the sale price to the population is 12 pesos and that each person can acquire a pack of 10 or 25 units or as many as he/she wishes, according to his/her possibilities. He also considered that this measure puts the brakes on the unscrupulous actions of the resellers.
Camejo López pointed out that in Las Tunas there is enough raw material available to maintain the offers during the summer season and that an extra value is added because if the client wishes, the tobacco is prepared instantly, in his presence.
In addition, he announced that the operation of a mobile point of sale was approved, which will move to different parts of the city, with its corresponding identification. The possibility of installing the service in other areas of the province is also being studied.