In the province of Las Tunas, the supply of agricultural products is insufficient for the demand in each of the municipalities. This unfortunate reality is due to several reasons and results in high prices for sale to the population.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- In one way or another, no one is unaware of this phenomenon that harms the majority of families and that, to a large extent, has to do with the actions of the leaders of the activity and the incomplete staff of the delegations and the municipal agro-industrial companies.
These aspects were discussed in a working meeting chaired by Wálter Simón Noris, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the territory of Las Tunas, and Governor Jaime Ernesto Chiang Vega.
More than evaluating what was done or not done, or looking for those responsible, the meeting marked a turning point because it signaled the beginning of a much-needed transformation. This is what the current circumstances demand, with an economic and financial crisis that has repercussions on the people's food supply.
The truth is that the first part of 2024 left a bitter taste. The main indicators of food production, i.e. the eight agricultural programs, the seven state mandates, and the four livestock productions, were not met during the period.
There are indiscipline and illegalities in the control, use, and exploitation of land and livestock and this is demonstrated in the exercise that has been going on for several months. In addition, there is no clear working procedure to evaluate crops, yields, and destinations.
In addition, the sowing plans do not meet the population's food requirements, especially in terms of foodstuffs and grains. In this case, the insufficient amount of fuel allocated and the shortage of some seeds, such as cassava, are determining factors.
The production poles have many empty areas due to inadequate sowing planning and a lack of labor and material inputs. There are also many irrigated areas with no use value, due to technical flaws in existing technologies.
Sometimes it is the farmer's interest that prevails, who decides what to sow, when to sow it, and the destination of the production, as there is a lack of intentionality on the part of the agro-industrial companies and the delegations of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Furthermore, the producers who contribute to each program are not well selected.
The incorporation of organizations and companies with the potential to produce food for self-consumption is insufficient, the livestock modules are incomplete, the production provided by state agricultural companies is insufficient, and there are serious deficiencies in contracting.
In short, the problems are enormous. And according to sector specialists, there is also a great deal of will to solve them, through changes in working systems and measures in each of their state functions.
These changes will not work overnight because plants and animals need time to develop. But - if the strategy is implemented - the picture could be different at the market counters and in the kitchens of every household.