The province of Las Tunas will end 2022 with millionaire losses in its economy, because of objective problems but also due to subjective deficiencies of the labor collectives dedicated to production and services, and above all, of those who have the responsibility to lead them.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- There are lousy results but they can even be understood because it is the end of a hard, tense year, full of complexities, although it would not be serious and unfounded to adopt a justifying posture and look for external blame, because in the difficulties more could have been done and avoid. For example, the State budget has a deficit of more than three thousand 775 million pesos, with all that this can bring with it.
How is it possible that in this province salary of more than 237 million pesos has been paid without productive support? In a plenary session on this subject, Ernesto Cruz Reyes, coordinator of programs of the provincial government, assured that in commerce, for example, there are workers who hardly work, nor sell, due to the inefficiency of the businessmen, with enormous damage to the State budget. Does this have to do with the blockade, the lack of fuel, and electricity?
In this sense, 43 companies in Las Tunas pay salaries without productive support, a figure that represents 71.4 percent of the 63 entities in the territory. Where have the analyses on this matter been, and more than that, where are the solutions in a year that is already ending?
Another company with a direct reflection on the population is Acopio, with more than 17 million pesos of losses due to the lack of competition and variety of prices in the municipalities, purchased services that hinder the management of the entity, and the very limited management of its base business units. In only two labor collectives operate when that is a prioritized objective because the workers keep 70 percent of their profits to share among all, with the consequent motivation to produce more and more.
In addition, the mercantile circulation has had serious problems throughout 2022 and the default will be around 619 million pesos, and the entities belonging to the Business Group of Commerce, so sensitive to the population, will have losses of more than 509 million pesos.
Of the 135 selected physical productions that make up the plan at the territorial level, of the 12 that constitute state orders, the non-compliance of 106 assortments, such as beef, eggs, corn, twisted tobacco for export, sawn wood, raw sugar, and corrugated bars is foreseen. While in the selected productions, there are 99 non-compliant assortments by the Delegation of Agriculture, the Delegation of Construction, companies of the food industry, and the local bodies of the People's Power.
Concerning net sales, the province could end the year with 82 percent compliance, a figure that is not one of the worst considering the limitations of all kinds, although more could have been done.
The Governor of Las Tunas, Jaime Ernesto Chiang Vega, stated in the analysis with the main executives, that in all this there is a quota of inactivity or lack of creativity of the companies in limitations and shortages, and as in December, what was not done in 11 months cannot be achieved. Many issues must be rethought for the coming 2023, with their own formulas, closer to the base to obtain better results, and without neglecting the human factor, which represents 80 percent of economic management.
Manuel René Pérez Gallego, member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Party in the province, indicated that the main priority is to have more prepared cadres, with more economic culture to be able to make the most appropriate decisions, to have people motivated, committed and willing to do. To improve the work systems, to exchange more with the collectives, to see where the weaknesses and strengths are, to analyze the huge number of workers who do not have content in their jobs, and to review the payment systems.
The year 2023 is there and, from the very beginning, we must analyze what has happened and project ourselves to obtain superior results in all indicators. Las Tunas' people deserve it.