The cigar has to be in optimal conditions for trade

What secrets does the Cuban tobacco hold that makes it a worldwide preference? More than experience, trade and skill, the manufacture of these cigars is accompanied by the dedication and effort of those who make them. A completely manual elaboration, together with rhythms, smells and unique flavor, give the finish to the product, appreciated by the Cuban and foreign smokers.

Martí's 125th death anniversary

José Martí's physical appearance is little known. It is not a minor or frivolous subject. Men must be lowered from their pedestals from time to time and cycle through the epidermis. That humanizes them as long as it brings them closer to their followers.

#25AniversarioULT #RetoULT

A challenge mobilizes students and professors of the University of Las Tunas on social networks these days. The call was made by the secretariat of the University Student Federation of the center and is part of the tributes for the 25th anniversary of the institution to be held on May 15.