Despite the fact that the incidence of COVID-19 in this eastern province continues to be among the lowest in the country (2.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants), the appearance of new positive individuals keeps the Health authorities on alert, which today reported another case in the municipality of Puerto Padre.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- To date, 13 people with COVID-19 are reported in the province, with the so-called Villa Azul being the territory with the highest incidence with six confirmed patients.
Dr. Diego Álvarez Dopazo, director of the Provincial Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology (CPHEM), explains to 26Digital that the 21-year-old diagnosed woman resides in the town of Delicias, belonging to the Health area of the Rafael Izquierdo polyclinic.
According to what he refers to, this case is direct contact of the 28-year-old mother, also from that town, who was positive last Tuesday; and she was detected from the epidemiological survey and field visits. She is part of 58 isolated people for his study because she maintains a close relationship with the other case referred to above.
Yesterday the positive result of the real-time PCR arrived. As in the others reported, the pertinent measures are adopted and 47 contacts around her were admitted to the isolation centers for investigation. She was immediately transferred to the province of Holguín and she is in good general condition.
The head of the CPHEM said that this patient is asymptomatic and insists on the need to comply with social distancing. "There are a number of cases in the country and also in the province who are contacts carrying the virus and do not have symptoms."
Here 59 suspects remain in isolation centers and 236 contacts in premises set up for that purpose. 97 PCR results were received yesterday, one of them positive; which adds up to a total of 1,331 examinations of this type carried out in the territory. Also included in the last part, are 59 rapid diagnostic tests for a total of 2, 897 since the start of their application.
On Wednesday, 369, 164 inhabitants were personally inquired, 113 of them presented respiratory symptoms and one was referred for admission in the hospital. Regarding the Virtual Inquirer, it was known that some 527 people from Las Tunas reported on their health situation in the last 24 hours, data that immediately passed to their respective health areas.