Through the app, citizens can fill out a survey from their cell phones to collect information on their health status

The Virtual Inquirer, application (app) for mobile phones aimed at detecting possible symptoms associated with the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the population, is monitored in the main city of this province by 20 students of the Computer Engineering degree from the University of Las Tunas, and 21 workers from the computerization department of that center.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The monitoring is carried out 24 hours a day at the management posts of the four health areas of the city and the Municipal Directorate of the sector, where they were located taking into account their areas of residence to facilitate the transfer to those facilities. There they do 12-hour shifts and then return to their homes without neglecting the necessary protection measures in the current epidemiological situation.

Yoenia Barbán Sarduy, the vice-rector of the University, told 26Digital that all of them received training by professors at the University of Computer Sciences (UCI) in recent days, about the operation of the software. She pointed out that in Puerto Padre, two students of the specialty join this work, which is also supported by people from Las Tunas who are studying at the UCI and are currently at home.

The monitoring of the Virtual Inquirer is one of the impact tasks to which the university community of this eastern territory joins in the midst of the confrontation with COVID-19. Through the app, citizens can fill out a survey from their cell phones to collect information on their health status, as a complement to the active inquiry process being carried out.