The community of Barranca hosted the Cucalambeana Fiesta of the municipality of Las Tunas. The peasant celebration was a pretext to show the best of the work of a population rich in traditions and defender of its idiosyncrasy.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- The popular crafts that have creators of reference beyond the province, with Moraima Martínez as a top exponent, are a distinction of this revelry. There were also creole dishes, plastic arts, traditional games, dance, and music; all of them woven into a kind of painting of the autochthonous.
The Cucalambeana Fiesta at grassroots and municipal levels is held these days in different parts of the province, dedicated to the birthday of Juan Cristóbal Nápoles Fajardo, the deceased writer Renael González, and the 45th anniversary of the System of Culture Houses.