A total of 2,989 places for entrance to Higher Education, more than a hundred more than in the previous school year, will be granted in Las Tunas to pre-university students.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- This was explained by Omar Nápoles Peña, a specialist of the Provincial Entrance Commission, who broke them down; 2,189 correspond to bachelor's and engineering degrees and the remaining 800 to the modality of Short Cycle Higher Technician in the Regular Day Course.
In this sense, he said that this modality contemplates new programs: Network Administration and National Security, Logistics and Sustainable Commerce, Stomatology Care, Clinical Analysis, Nutrition and Dietetics, Health Statistics, and Agricultural Management and Innovation.
As a novelty, he emphasized that students of Electrical Engineering and Hydraulics, which until now studied in the provinces of Camagüey and Santiago de Cuba, respectively, will begin to study in Holguín.
On October 3, the calendar of ordinary exams will begin with Mathematics, followed by Spanish on October 6 and Cuban History on October 12, said the specialist of the Provincial Entrance Commission.
As happened in the previous process, besides the regular exams, there will be a special call (November 20, Mathematics; November 22, Spanish; and November 24, History) for students who, for exceptional reasons, cannot sit for the first time.
"The exams will be maintained as a way to organize students and prepare them for Higher Education. On the other hand, we specify that it will not be compulsory to pass with a minimum of 60 points to obtain a place", he pointed out, while stressing that there are guarantees of university careers for all applicants.
The first awarding process will be for those applicants who passed with a minimum of 60 points; while in second place will be those who failed the entrance exams. Then, those from Pre-University who decided not to take the exams in the year of their graduation and, finally, applicants who graduated from Technical and Professional Education, from the Peasant Worker Preuniversity Institute, from Pre-University of previous years, and others considered by the Commission will be granted.
In the current academic year, the condition of aptitude tests for careers such as Journalism, International Relations, and some of the University of the Arts (ISA) will continue, so it will not be required to attend the entrance exams.
It was also informed that 66 places are available for girls interested in going through the Female Voluntary Military Service who, after the necessary analysis, will be able to apply for and obtain careers in great demand without having to take the tests next October.