More than 2,300 places are on offer at the University of Las Tunas for those interested in enrolling in the online and distance courses, according to the Provincial Admissions Commission.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- For both variants, applications must be formalized from 16 October to 3 November at the municipal university faculties and centers, and for this, it is necessary to present a high school diploma (pre-university, intermediate level technician or worker, and peasant faculty), two photos and an identity card.
"This process is carried out on a personal basis," said Jorge Bernardo Díaz Pablos, an official of the Provincial Entrance Commission.
He also explained that no employment relationship is required and that university graduates interested in pursuing another career may also apply, with the detail that, in these cases, the grant will be made only if there are available capacities once the process is completed.
On the other hand, some thirty institutions such as Education, AZCUBA, and the Provincial Government have reserved places for training in various branches, the largest number of which correspond to careers with a pedagogical profile, with more than a thousand places.
"We ask the organizations to send the lists of applicants as soon as possible to distribute them according to the demand in the municipalities," said Díaz Pablos.
He explained that, when the supply per course is lower than the demand, an instrument will be applied to those interested to measure knowledge to rank applicants for admission to higher education.
The award will be made public from 13 to 15 December in the university centers and the faculties of the central headquarters, while enrolment can be made official between 15 and 22 January next year.
About the distance-learning course, which is not classroom-based, 80 places are available for three-degree courses: Law, with 20 quotas in the municipalities of Las Tunas and Puerto Padre, as well as Socio-cultural Management for Development and Accounting and Finance, the latter for the provincial capital.