“Jesús Menéndez” is experiencing a complex and worsening situation, with the increase in dengue cases and the municipality's declaration in the transmission phase, which forces intensifying prevention measures in homes, workplaces, and communities to stop the contagion.
"Jesús Menéndez," Las Tunas.- With the presence of Manuel René Pérez Gallego, a member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party in the province, together with Jaime Ernesto Chiang Vega, governor, as well as the highest political and governmental authorities, and the Directorate of Public Health in the northern territory, the situation was evaluated and the Temporary Working Group presented the actions to be implemented for this purpose, led by medical personnel and requiring intersectoral work.
Eight communities in the popular councils of El Batey and Pueblo Viejo are the most affected. In his explanation, Dr. Héctor Arturo Wílliam Muñoz, director of Health in the municipality, addressed the need for health hearings at homes, as well as the implementation of family auto focal and environmental sanitation.
So far in October, 21 outbreaks have been identified and febrile-positive cases of this disease have increased, which is why intelligence and collective effort are also required due to the lack of resources to face such an epidemiological situation. Thus, the work of anti-vector operators and the perception of risk in the population are vital.
The inquiry is intensified and intersectoral work is urgently needed, in which Communal Services and Aqueduct and Sewerage have an enormous responsibility in the collection of solid waste and the discharge of sewage, respectively, which lead to an increase in foci, reflected Viviana Gutiérrez Rodríguez, provincial director of Public Health.
For her part, Pérez Gallego called for teamwork with this strategy, tempered to the current moments. To cut transmission, we have the most precious resource, human capital, and its preparation for events like this, he said.