Aniuvis donated her bloodAniuvis Avilés is 21 years old and has a confessed fear of needles. That is why she trembles so much, her restless hands give her away, while she enlists what is her first blood donation.

It all happened at the headquarters of the Central de Trabajadores Cuba (Cuban Workers Confederation) in Las Tunas, where she went there as part of a special convocation of that organization, to give her contribution to the fight against COVID-19.

“I have never donated before, but it is the possibility of giving my grain of sand in all this effort that the country is making. It is about overcoming fears. We cannot let them make us stand aside.”

Despite the mask, I dared to attest to her smile. I discovered it through her very lively eyes and the "let's see how this comes out," her chosen phrase to scare away the frights.

After a while, I learned that she is a secretary, is studying for a Law Degree in the distance modality and wants this to be the first of many other times.
She is a simple girl but clearly determined. She said it without needing many words. With people like her, I know, we will manage to flatten the curve of the COVID-19 and turn this sad nightmare around.