In the situation of sanitary emergency that Cuba is experiencing and when consumption registers a progressive increase as a logical consequence of the permanence at the homes of a greater number of people, Las Tunas needs to reinforce actions aimed at saving electricity.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- It is not that there is a crisis in the generation, far from it, but to the extent that the residential sector uses only the essential energy, in that same proportion it would be helping to sustain the strength achieved by the country in service of such significance for the quality of life of the people.
Such an imperative is better understood, if we take into account that as of March 20, the demand increased by seven percent in the peak hour of 12:00 noon and by four percent in the interval from 6:00 in the afternoon to 10:00 at night, according to the engineer Anislei Santiesteban Velázquez, director of the Commercial Services base business unit of the Electric Company in the province.
As a consequence of the foregoing, the Island was forced to use more fuel to cover the overdraft of customers in the residential sector of Las Tunas, with the consequent burden that this represents for the economy, fully burdened by the cruel blockade.
Although there is understanding that part of this excess is due to the positive response of the population to the call from the top leadership of the country stay home, while the threat of the fearsome coronavirus persists, as well as to the implementation -for the same cause- of distance work, the truth is that regarding to the efficient use of energy, there are reserves to exploit in many homes here, which forces us to encourage and further promote savings.
Hence the conviction that each inhabitant, from his dwelling, can contribute a lot - whether by turning off unnecessary lights, turning off the refrigerators for an hour or moving the cooking of food from peak times, among other initiatives - to achieve that the province frames demand at the 78 and 94 percent levels, planned for 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, respectively.
That is another important mission to contribute to the success of the battle waged by the Balcony of the East in order to avoid increasing the spread of the new coronavirus.