Dunia León Palmero has been among books for two decades. Sheltered by the José Martí Provincial Library, her dreams have grown together with the delight of knowing that they are useful. Today, the Day of the Cuban Librarian, she receives the good news of having achieved the Antonio Bachiller y Morales Commemorative Seal, awarded by the Cuban Association of Librarians (ASCUBI), and the Cuban Society of Information Sciences (SOCICT). Although she is not the only one in the province to hold that award, she is proud to be on the list.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- “I feel very proud to be a librarian. Before embracing this trade, I worked in the local polygraph workshop, but once I got here, I can't imagine doing anything else”, she affirms with total simplicity.
“I remember that I felt nervous when I attended public the first times but there were also beautiful experiences. From the beginning, I was captivated by the profession. I have always tried to carry out the work with love and that the users leave satisfied," she adds.
She confesses that she learns something every day because improvement is the key to achieving efficiency. "There are readers who come after a title, but others pursue a theme. The experience acquired tells us where to look for the literature in question. Library Science is a labor of love."
Dunia has worked in all rooms of the Provincial Library; she is currently in “Abdala,” for children adolescents, and youngsters. "Among my tasks, I work with the Bebeteca (Babylibrary), which includes infants between 3 and 5 years old, in addition to interacting with families; it works from Monday to Thursday, starting at 9:00 am. This is how I contribute to the preparation of children since early ages; for example, we review colors, how to draw, and other practices that serve as a background to Primary Education", she explains.
She tells me that in her workplace, they are a big family, where everyone supports each other. She simply feels happy and dreams of doing her work better every day. For this reason, besides her specialty, she has taken courses on Cuban Culture, sign language, and other topics. "Good morning; what do you want; how can I help you"... are phrases that she applies to her routine every time a reader approaches her.
The "Antonio Bachiller y Morales" is her first national award and, although she did not expect it, she recognizes 20 years of dedication. "I am very excited because it summarizes my daily sacrifice so that users leave satisfied," she says.
This Seal was instituted in commemoration of the birth of the notable writer who gives the recognition its name and is given to personalities and institutions for the merits achieved in contributing to and supporting library and information activities.