Las Tunas' branch of the Nicolás Guillén Foundation (FNG) is hosting several initiatives as part of the Abre La Muralla Project, which brings together proposals for the most varied tastes during the summer months.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- According to María Sao, vice-president of the FNG's branch office in Las Tunas, as this year they are celebrating the 65th anniversary of the book La paloma de vuelo popular, by the National Poet, the idea of the cultural invitation was inspired by the name of one of the poems of that text entitled "La muralla", which had once marked the birth of another project, led by the writer María Liliana Celorrio.
However, Abre La Muralla stands out for its variety, as it encompasses actions that speak of art manifestations, research, gender perspective, and ecosystem. On Fridays, starting at 9:00 am, the cultural institution opens so that the most varied audiences can enjoy the options.
"There is BuscArte and Papeliris, who teach us about visual arts; Nicolás Guillén and graphics, which operates within the Reyva gallery, and the Antoms, conducting workshops on graphics, caricatures, and visual arts, in general. At the Sensemayá headquarters, workshops are held for children and teenagers, led by writers Odalys Leyva and Maritza Batista. The multi-purpose hall is home to the Project From Where We Are and Where We Are Going, which is coordinated by Dr. Mayra Acebo and, in one way or another, makes visible different doctoral studies carried out in the province."
"Also, starting at 11:00 a.m., Dr. Frank Arteaga's Journey to the Interior, which is related to the world of celluloid and promotes the screening of films, among other actions, will take place. Meanwhile, Art and Nature promotes a contest in which members of the Bonsai Club of Las Tunas (based at the FNG), who have trees of this type in their homes, participate and whose results will be announced at the end of the summer."
"In addition, our Information Center provides information of interest to people who need it and, right there, the Always Ithaca Project, coordinated by Waldina Almaguer and Lucy Maestre, which is dedicated to women. Finally, at 2:00 p.m., we will close with a talk show De arpeggios y palabras, and we are thinking of adding similar initiatives," Sao informed.
Las Tunas branch of the FNG systematically maintains a program aimed at defending Cuban sovereignty and cultural integrity, just as the author of the poem Sóngoro cosongo wanted. Sponsoring actions of artistic and scientific content, strengthening institutional alliances, and betting on new proposals and socio-cultural projects, in addition to strengthening existing ones, are part of its daily agenda.
However, the existence of a macro-project organized one day a week, in an institution located in the historic center of the city and in the proximity of the summer season, becomes an oasis for young and old, as well as an example of healthy recreation, which demonstrates the importance of the phrase by Guillén: "Hay que tené boluntá" (you have to be willing to).