Continuing as one of the bastions of scientific activity and its contribution to the society are working premises of the University of Las Tunas on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of its foundation.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- This was confirmed by teachers, students, service, and administration workers in an act in which pedagogues were distinguished for their work for decades with the Frank País Order, of First and Second degrees, while others deserved the Rector's Award.
Doctors in Sciences Mayra Acebo Rivera, José Marcos Gil Ortiz, and Bernardo Jeffers Duarte, professionals with excellent results to their credit, were awarded in the category of Best Comprehensive Professor.
Also, the José Tey Medal and the Distinction for Education were awarded; and the merit of teachers with outstanding careers on various fronts such as professional development, the use of educational technology, and part-time performance was recognized.
The Rector's Special Award was granted to the Department of Physical Education, Recreation, and University Sports, belonging to the Faculty of Physical Culture.
Yoenia Barbán Sarduy, the rector of the academic institution, stressed that the main objective is to train professionals with high skills in the various fields of knowledge and continue as managers of innovation processes in pursuit of development.
"In the last stage, we have important results, among these, the approval of a development and innovation unit, as a step to follow until an interface company; in this case, dedicated to renewable energies. We also contribute on various lines of local and national interest such as sustainable agriculture, high-performance sports, business management, and education, among others.
"The University is accredited by the National Board that seeks higher quality standards while approaching the three decades of performance," the rector stressed.
With 30 majors, the Las Tunas Academy maintains more than fifty collaboration agreements with entities and companies in the province and stimulates the resolution of economic and social problems from its classrooms.
In this context of celebrations for 28 years of work, from May 16 to 19, the University of Las Tunas opens its doors to researchers, academics, government policymakers, and other national and foreign specialists, participants in the 4th International Scientific Convention and 3rd Expo Fair.