Transporters from Las Tunas support the commitment to improve the passenger transport service in the acquisition of tires and batteries through contracts with foreign suppliers, who have already delivered the first assortments.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- Luis Enrique Arias Peña, director of the Passenger and General Cargo Transport Company (CARDINAL), explained that this is one of the main challenges of the entity for 2023, taking into account the lousy behavior of the indicator in the year that is ending.
"Soon, the first tires of the nearly 800 required for buses and merchandise transfer trucks will be in the province, and they will continue to arrive, besides batteries and other parts and pieces that we need to improve the coefficient of technical availability, below 50 percent currently.
The information came out during an event and trade fair that the carriers celebrated for the 64th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution together with residents of the Velázquez neighborhood of the capital city, where the company has its headquarters.
Arias Peña also commented that there is a strategy that prioritizes urban, rural, and inter-municipal service and the first 10 buses that will begin to circulate with the tires that will soon arrive in the territory have been defined.
He specified that carahatas (railbuses) are also built and repaired for the inhabitants of Amancio, Majibacoa, and other municipalities, and ratified the commitment of the drivers and the rest of the workers in the sector to continue complying o schedule with the transfer of the regulated family basket, despite the poor condition of the roads and transport means.
Likewise, he said, "we will continue ensuring the transportation of the orders of the School Buses business unit, with almost all its vehicles out of service, as well as the patients to the Oncological Hospital of Camagüey and other assistance to Public Health.”