The councils of the municipal administration of Las Tunas have already begun to report the prices of products and services in accordance with the powers established by law; most of them come into force as of today, January 11, and involve the offers of popular gastronomy, as well as others related to private entrepreneurs.
Las Tuna, Cuba.- As the provincial Governor Jaime Ernesto Chiang Vega anticipated last Saturday, during the weekend and from their respective official Internet sites the authorities of the different municipal demarcations are making known, for example, the prices of food offered by self-employed workers (TPCP); as well as agricultural products in markets, and retailers for third-category units of the Commerce and Gastronomy companies.
Meanwhile, the Provincial Directorate of Finance and Prices explained that the government authorities of the eight municipalities will establish, in total, the prices of 1,148 dishes in gastronomy, more than 89 for cultural and sports services, 14 for communal services, 150 lines of the food industry, 80 for accommodation services, and 150 lines of construction materials produced by local industries.
After the start of the monetary re-ordering on January 1st, the different establishments set up new prices, some very high; but most of them have been corrected after further joint evaluations with wholesale suppliers.