The Youth Computer Clubs in the province of Las Tunas develop the Conference for Girls in ICT Day

The Youth Computer Clubs in the province of Las Tunas develop the Conference for Girls in ICT Day to creating environments that empower girls, adolescents, and women in the professional field of information and communication technologies (ICT).

The activities, which will run until April 22, seek to increase the opportunities of the female population in the use of ICTs, taking into account that these promote growth and innovation and are present in all areas of life; hence, inserting women and girls into this world allows for the promotion of more dynamic technology sector and offers great advantages to society.

Kirenia Romero Díaz, a Communication specialist at the Youth Club in Las Tunas, told the Cuban News Agency that the schedule of actions include holding drawing competitions in the Power Paint software and the "Soy una Niña TIC" contest (I am an ICT girl), initiatives in which girls and adolescents from different municipalities of this eastern Cuban province are participating.

“I am excited by the possibility that the Youth Club offers us with the launch of this ICT-related paint drawing contest,” Adianet Samela López Santiesteban, one of the teenagers who ventured to create her own technological universe, said.

Also, the materialization of an Educational Robotics Workshop aimed at enhancing programming and achieving greater familiarization with the branch of robotics is expected this Tuesday, as well as a Workshop on creating applications through App Inventor, which will be taught from the experiences of the northern municipality of “Jesús Menéndez.”

In the same way, the meeting "Empowerment of women in the process of computerization of society" was conceived, one of the propitious spaces to recognize the role of the women and young workers of Youth Club throughout the entire Las Tunas geography during more than three decades of operation of this program of the Revolution.

The alliances with the Union of Informatics of Cuba (UIC) made it possible for Las Tunas to also have the “Soy Niña y Se Programar” contest under the call of the project “Laboratory of Innovation for the Digital Transformation of the Culture Sector”, the member of the national UIC Dayalé Torres Diéguez pointed out to the ACN.

With the help of families and the use of the Scratch visual programming language, the participants will have to create an animation in which they solve an everyday situation at home in the context of COVID-19, whether it is how to feed pets, properly wash hands, the use the facemask, or greet each other to avoid contagion, the specialist meant.

With the motto "Connect girls, create brighter futures,” Cuba joins the celebration of the International Day of Girls in Information and Communication Technologies, which, according to its commemoration every fourth Thursday of April, this year it is celebrated on the 22nd.