Three platoons were declared as “Millionarie.”

Once again, the Millionaire Movement in mechanized sugarcane cutting proved its worth in the harvest that is about to conclude in Las Tunas, by crowning 26 operators o-f combined machines with that condition.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Only the iron will to overcome adversity, strict discipline, maximum use of the working day, and careful care and exploitation of the equipment allowed these drivers of KTP machines - and new technology - to complete or exceed the established 11,500 tons of sugarcane, in the midst of an extremely complex scenario.

For Eduardo Brathwaite Herrera, main harvest specialist in the Sugar Company (AZCUBA), this result and that of the members of the three platoons declared as “Millionaire,” are much more remarkable if it is taken into account that more than 350 thousand tons (36 percent) of the total of canes processed so far by the Antonio Guiteras, Majibacoa, and Colombia sugar mills, were supplied by these labor giants.

Hence the certainty that the emblematic Millionaire Movement, created on March 3, 1965, by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, culminated with honors the emulative stage of the 2020-2021 harvest, which the "Antonio Guiteras" Colossus keeps alive in the Balcón de Oriente (Balcony of Eastern Cuba).