Without the key participation of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), it would have been impossible for the country to face these moments of the intensified blockade and unprecedented health emergency. This was highlighted by the participants in the act for the 61st anniversary of the organization, held Tuesday in the rural community of Gastón, Majibacoa.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- In the evening, chaired by Manuel Pérez Gallego, first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) in the province; Jaime Chiang Vega, governor; and Maura Rodríguez Ramírez, provincial coordinator of the CDR, Majibacoa was awarded as a National Vanguard municipality, for its results in the entrusted tasks. This condition was also conferred this year on Jesús Menéndez and Puerto Padre; also to the CDR 2 of La Esperanza-La Herradura and Zone 13 of La Ceiba, both rural towns in Majibacoa, as well as the cederista Encarnación Hernández Ramírez.
"No one can know their neighborhood better than their inhabitants," said Rosbeling Valera Sabugo, a member of the Municipal Bureau of the PCC in the “Land of the Brave Indian,” alluding to the decisive participation that the CDRs have in solving community problems. “Neighbors should feel proud of that little piece of Homeland. Discouragement is not possible when there are so many reasons to defend the Revolution," she concluded.
This was just one of the many moments of tribute that have been held throughout the territory of Las Tunas to commend what was done by the cederistas this year, marked by the nation's confrontation with the worst known pandemic in its history.