First E-Commerce Fair in Las Tunas.

What is needed to use the EnZona and Transfermóvil digital payment gateways? In this way, the Digital Citizen Innovation Laboratory, of the Innovation Laboratories for the Digital Transformation of the Culture Collaborative Project (CoLab), invited the people of Las Tunas to the first E-Commerce Fair.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Local experts from various companies and institutions participated in the event held on Saturday, including the Union of Informatics of Cuba (UIC), the Telecommunications Company of Cuba S.A. (ETECSA), Computer Applications (DESOFT), the Youth Club of Computing and Electronics, the Defense Information Technology Company (XETID), the Popular Savings (BPA) and Credit and Commerce (BANDEC) banks, Cuba’s Post Office, and the Real Navarro Cafeteria-Restaurant.

First E-Commerce Fair in Las Tunas.

First E-Commerce Fair in Las Tunas.

First E-Commerce Fair in Las Tunas.

First E-Commerce Fair in Las Tunas.

First E-Commerce Fair in Las Tunas.

First E-Commerce Fair in Las Tunas.

First E-Commerce Fair in Las Tunas.