The new Family Code legislates on how minors should interact with digital platforms

At 4 years old, Yaumara González Olivé's son handles a tablet with enviable dexterity, through which he watches videos on YouTube. Some would say that it is too early, but she trusts the parental control that comes embedded in the device to regulate the sites the child accesses and the pages he visits.

Aging population will soon take hold in Cuba with majorities.

Julián walks his 87 years with the "impatience" of someone who takes three naps a day, never goes to the street, and does not separate for more than 30 minutes from his wooden rocking chair. Many times he ignores the faces that come and go... He does not interact with the generations of louder voices, receives food, and has become accustomed to not getting answers, even the most necessary ones.

The product with the highest demand so far is soap

The Papaya and Banana Project was born as a female enterprise in this city, which seeks to bring quality cosmetic products and the fight for the welfare of nature to our homes.

Micro enterprise Multiservicios Génesis

In the vicinity of the National Bus Terminal in Las Tunas, a new establishment still under construction attracts attention. This place corresponds to the offices of "Génesis," one of the more than 80 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) approved by the Ministry of Economy and Planning.


You look at yourself in the mirror, arrange your hair and check your uniform. Your backpack is ready, you've already grabbed the money and the knob with water. You kiss your mother at the door on your way out and leave for school. Nothing out of the ordinary happens on the way. You greet the neighbor across the street, the same one who watched your father grow up 40 years ago; and Mrs. Maira, with her hair getting whiter and whiter. But there, on the corner where you turn every day, there is a group of older young people, so you'd better go the other way.