Bamboos at El Cornito farm

Fourteen species of bamboo - ten of them with great potential- are cultivated in the Botanical Garden of this province, a territory that does not have large areas of this plant although they could increase from various actions to multiply its existence.

Anti-COVID-19 mass vaccination

For Rafael Batista Silva, director of the business unit of the Tunas 1 post office, the collaboration speeded up the organization of the vaccination point installed in the Toma de Las Tunas boarding school with the foreseen requirements.

Cuba is standing in front of the alleged owner, with the forehead in the sky and the sun between the lips

“Zhazz!, zhazz!, zhazz! Not a moan. The silence is so great that it is almost possible to hear the tears of the slaves and their children when they fall to the ground. The march continues.

 Emilio Ernesto Fontecilla González

At barely 25 years of age, a young man confirms in a Molecular Biology Laboratory the potential of his generation in the tenacious fight against COVID-19.

 Las Tunas city

"I tell you, journalist, any time in the past was worse," exclaims Justino, the shoeshine man, with an acid countenance, while the black rag flies between his black hands over the black leather of a moccasin.