Emilio Ernesto Fontecilla González

At barely 25 years of age, a young man confirms in a Molecular Biology Laboratory the potential of his generation in the tenacious fight against COVID-19.

 Las Tunas city

"I tell you, journalist, any time in the past was worse," exclaims Justino, the shoeshine man, with an acid countenance, while the black rag flies between his black hands over the black leather of a moccasin.

Fidel Castro led the assault on the Moncada garrison on July 26, 1953

Those who participated in the events of the Moncada garrison, that July 26, 1953, say that all the assailants were dressed in military uniforms because the essence of the plan was in surprise and, from the hand of that, in the first hours it would be assumed that the assault had been a movement organized from within by sergeants of the regime.

Special sales days

A wide variety of products were available to the people of Las Tunas this Saturday, July 24, during the celebration of a special sales day, as a salute to the 68th anniversary of the assault on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks.

Teak forest

The teak is called the queen of woods and in that epithet, there is a lot of truth, because that species has elegance and greatness; so much so that the specimens exceed between ten and 12 meters in height and are ideal for many things, especially shipbuilding and chemical laboratories.