Las Tunas fishers aspire to capture more tha 130 tones this season.

Although the optimal period for capturing the bar jack fishes is between July and September, the installation of dams on the northern coast of several Cuban provinces -including Las Tunas- was authorized from the beginning of April until December 31.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Maikel Ramos Pérez, deputy director of the Pescatún Fishing Company, trusts that it will be a good year and greater captures will be obtained. However, he warned that the run of this species depends on the moons and the weather.

He pointed out that ten fishing sites were defined in the municipalities of Puerto Padre (7) and Manatí (3), thus, the company is in better condition to satisfy the population demand since fuel is only needed to transfer from the coast to the marketing units.

The people of Las Tunas highly covet the bar jack. The goal of the Pescatún directors is to allocate more than 60% of the sales to the fishmonger network. In addition, it is planned to guarantee social consumption in priority organizations such as education, health, and tourism; as well as online sales in national and freely convertible currency.

Ramos Pérez pointed out that the plan for 2024 is 130 tons, which could be overfullfiled because 170 were collected in the previous calendar, and more dams are authorized for this season.

He said that the will of the fishing groups also influences. They have been financially benefited from new wage rates since March, which will result in more possibilities of bringing tasty food to the tables of the Las Tunas inhabitants.