The North American Leaders' Summit bstarted on Tuesday

The North American Leaders' Summit between United States President Joe Biden, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador started on Tuesday with reasonable doubts for the South.

The leaders are meeting at the National Palace, where they had a traditional Mexican dinner on Monday evening. No one doubts its importance for the future of the tripartite T-MEC Free Trade Commission but there are doubts about the coordination of regional policy and its future.

The differences regarding the relations of the three are well-known and much debated, the most important of which are those related to energy, migration, transgenic products, arms and drug trafficking, sovereignty, and others.

Each one of them has a very particular interpretation not concerning the three governments, this is why the idea arose to hold two bilateral meetings to deal with specific issues and not to burden the trilateral agenda with them.

According to diplomatic sources, the meeting from the economic integration viewpoint of the North will likely have positive results due to the dependence on production, trade, and financial systems of the three. The vision of the continent, where coincidences are not abundant, is another thing.

Approaches concerning Latin America and solving the fundamental social and economic deficits causing a severe imbalance between the North and the South, whose consequences include the brutal exodus from the periphery to the metropolis, were discussed in advance, on Monday, during the bilateral meeting between Mexico and the United States.

While López Obrador insisted on creating a continental bloc from now on, with a vision of a future, without hegemonism, blockades, sanctions, and equality so that the strengthening of the North is possible, Biden only kept his projection towards Mexico and Canada. (PL)