The world's leading nuclear energy corporation, Rosatom, plans to open a new used nuclear fuel recycling center in the Russian city of Zhelesnogorsk in 2026.
Moscow.- “In 2024, the construction of another experimental center in Zhelesnogorsk ends. The facility will be commissioned in 2026 upon completion of the necessary tests of the equipment,” the corporation’s official magazine, Vestnik GHK, noted Tuesday.
The new nuclear fuel recycling plant will be Rosatom’s second in Russia. The first, called RT-1, is located in the town of Ozersk and has been in operation since 1977.
According to the magazine, two centers are insufficient to recycle all the used nuclear fuel from the country’s nuclear power plants.
In this context, it notes, the radio chemical sector program includes the construction of a recycling center with greater capacity in the 2030s with technologies to be developed by the new Zhelesnogorsk plant. (PL)