The isolation of suspected cases has a privileged place among the priorities of the Las Tunas strategy to cut the transmission of COVID-19, which was reaffirmed during the daily meeting of the Temporary Working Group for the prevention and control of the epidemic.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- In recent weeks, the highest percentage of new positives to SARS-CoV-2 has been detected among symptomatic patients who, therefore, had already been classified as suspects, Dr. Grégory Pérez Héctor, provincial deputy director of Public Health; explained while recalled that the provincial capital continues as the epicenter of the pandemic in this eastern Cuban province.
Although the local transmission event in the La Loma district seems to be under control already, Pérez Héctor warned that the largest city of the Balcón del Oriente Cubano (Cuban Eastern Balcony) continues to lead in the number of transmission foci, many of which occur in workplaces. Consequently, the Temporary Group reiterated the responsibility of the administrations in complying with the biosafety guidelines already indicated. Even within this municipality, rural communities like Gamboa are now facing the isolation of many inhabitants to block the way to the new coronavirus.
It was also learned that the homes where the contacts of the suspected patients reside will begin to be clearly identified, to limit their mobility as much as possible, and guarantee their surveillance by the Primary Care medical teams.
About the measures that reinforced the epidemiological surveillance, in force since June 18, the Temporary Group warned that they will be more rigorous in the granting of circulation permits for state vehicles. Control will be increased to detect private carriers who violate the prohibition of mass transfer of people to or from the city of Las Tunas, or who breach the limited established capacity to provide this service within the city.
Similar strictness, the Provincial Direction of Education said, is necessary for conceding the letters accrediting the condition of essential workers to public employees with quotas for their children in childcare centers or semi-boarding schools of the capital municipality.