Health workers are specially recognized on May Day

A poster, a flag, a volunteer work, a photo, and a message on social media highlight the celebrations of World Proletariat Day in Las Tunas; different but with the same revolutionary fervor as if the people were in a massive parade towards the Vicente García González Revolution Plaza, of this city.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- From South Africa, the civil engineers Leonor Navarro and Pedro Pérez have already taken out their national insignia in white, red, and blue to give a #SíPorCuba, as they will celebrate from home, in fulfillment of an internationalist mission almost a year ago.

Meanwhile, trade unionists from the Provincial Health Directorate made Friday a change of work Friday dedicated to the creation of seedbeds to contribute to the self-consumption of the entity.

“This group is definitely avant-garde,” Dania Gómez Mujica posted on Facebook, representing the more than 80 workers in the economic and administrative area of the sector, to whom this May Day is dedicated.

Health professionals will be firm in their trenches, in the first line of combat against COVID-19 in the isolation centers arranged in the territory, the institutions of the branch, the Primary Health Care, or in any position from where this battle for life is being fought today.

The truth is that the proletarian party has been breathed in Las Tunas for several days; initiatives that range from decorating workplaces with flags and posters to those developed by families inside their homes, turning the house into their squares.

It is a different May Day, for the second time, to avoid the contagion with SARS-CoV-2. The people of Las Tunas also long for the workers' parade, which is the feast of the whole family; even so, there is no shortage of initiatives to celebrate this #CubaViva.