Las Tunas Gastronomy units will extend take-out and home delivery services

Despite the epidemiological situation that unfavorably marked Las Tunas panorama in the previous calendar and had its impact on all economic and social spheres, the gastronomic services have continued to advance in pursuit of improvement, and projections for 2022 are outlined towards growth and business efficiency.

Farm of the Gesto-Morera, in "Colombia."

2022 should be a good year for the members of the Romárico Cordero Credit and Service Cooperative (CCS, by its acronym in Spanish) in the municipality of Colombia. They have the will to make the most of the land and the commitment to produce more food for the population.

Shortfall of state transportation vehicles in Las Tunas

Only 25 of the 75 state public transport vehicles are in operation today in Las Tunas; however, directors of the operating entity assure that they are looking for various options to face such a deficit.

Garage sales on the rise in Las Tunas

Between doubts and motivations, more and more people are joining the garage sales in Las Tunas, a striking opportunity to renew the wardrobe and even some household utensils, in addition to mobilizing the family economy a little.

Por Nosotros Mismos Integrated Community Project in San Félix

Days dawn earlier in San Félix, where the land awaits those who work it. However, the routine of the residents was interrupted on Sunday by the evaluation of the Por Nosotros Mismos Integrated Community Work, chaired by the member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party in the province, Manuel René Pérez Gallego, and Jaime Ernesto Chiang Vega, Governor, along with the main authorities of Puerto Padre.