Nurse Ana Ibis Estrada

When Ana Ibis Estrada Rosales left her homeland in March 2020, she carried fears in her luggage, but her certainties were greater. She knew it was the right decision because nothing drives her more than to do good without sparing efforts or establishing differences between one and the other. That is why she left for Belize to fight for life, leaving aside the fear that Covid-19 provoked in her.

The Mártires de Las Tunas Pediatric Hospital is sensibly affected by the blockade

Only those who practice their profession with deep love and ethics know how difficult it is to tell families that an alternative medication or procedure must be applied or to delay treatment while waiting for the right one. This is one of the problems caused to pediatric services in Las Tunasby the U.S. blockade.

Puerto Padre’s government indicated to strengthen the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Tuesday, the Government in the municipality of Puerto Padre, in Las Tunas, gave new details about the reorganization of services at the Guillermo Domínguez Hospital, which - from this week - will begin to care for COVID-19 high-risk suspected patients and those with acute respiratory infections from the hole province; at the same time, indications were given to strengthen epidemiological surveillance in neighborhoods and rural communities.

Blood gas equipment at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna General Teaching Hospital

It is blood gas equipment. It allows the diagnosis, among others, of respiratory insufficiencies, severe dehydration, or the follow-up of patients with dialysis emergencies in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna General Teaching Hospital, in the province of Las Tunas. This, like other equipment, is limited in its value in use due to the lack of reagents or spare parts.

The Molecular Biology Laboratory not only contributes to the diagnosis of COVID-19 but represents a milestone for the development of Medical Sciences

If there is a sphere of society that has been affected by the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba, it is Public Health.